Cobbleheads Bar & Grill

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Cobbleheads Bar & Grill

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About Us

Long ago and far away lived a young man, full of vinegar and eager to conquer the world. He would do anything on a dare, laugh in the face of danger and was a master of practical jokes. He was the embodiment of dreaming the dream, living on the edge and was loved by everyone.

In the larger cities of that era ... trolley cars were the prime target for daring youths hoping to catch a free ride by hopping aboard. The conductors did their best to discourage the free riders by giving a bearish yell to chase them off and they would clank away before the "no charge riders" could regain their positions. But, this bunch of fun-loving kids was up to the challenge and would hop back on just as soon as the conductor thought the coast was clear. Off they would go, playing their game of "Cat and Mouse".

On this day, as luck would have it, our young rouge got his shoe lodged in the back bumper of the streetcar. The conductor, thinking the coast was clear, grabbed the controls and off the steel horse went, down the cobblestone street with our main character bouncing along behind , on his head.


He bumped and banged along for blocks and finally, as if by divine intervention, his shoe came loose and he lay there silent in the middle of the street. His cronies caught up to him and approached, wondering if he could still be alive. All of a sudden, he got to his feet, a little shaken, but okay. His friends marveled at what a hard head he had. "From now on," one of the gang proclaimed, your name is Cobblehead, cause anybody with a head hard enough to bounce up and down on cobblestone streets has a head harder than cobblestones."

Fortunately, Cobblehead lived a long and prosperous life. He was blessed with a wonderful family and friends, loved life, fun and sharing great food. For these same reasons, a restaurant dedicated to him is a fitting tribute.


Waterfront bar & grill with frequent live music, a deck & American eats, including seafood options.


Mon - Wed:

11:00 am - 12:00 am

Thu - Sat:

11:00 am - 2:00 am



2983, Central Boulevard, Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas, 78520, United States

Contact Information

2983, Central Boulevard, Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas, 78520, United States
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